<Kraftberg = Pronounced as [ˈkrɑːftˌbɛrʏ]>


If I am to compare my place to a mountain, it feels as though I’ve been just wandering the foothills all this time. Over the years, I became adept at sketching my inner maps of the climb—but the fear of change and failure always held me back. Yet now, I’ve finally set my foot onto a slope, trusting it might lead somewhere at last.

Kraftberg is a site influenced by Nordic culture, often seen as the origin of bushcraft, while embracing a freer and somewhat unconventional style. It’s a place where I, an outdoor beginner myself, grow alongside it. In modern society, where efficiency and convenience dominate, we value the so-called “inconvenient,” “time-consuming,” and even “futile,” believing they bring something meaningful to life. Here, we focus on products from a time when such items were no longer being manufactured.

Compared to today’s handy, high-performance, mass-produced and low-cost items, what we offer might seem cumbersome or less efficient. However, these items are sure to upgrade your time outdoors—whether it’s a simple picnic on soft grass or a deeper connection with the wilderness through bushcraft—into your own unique experiences.

This site is still in its early stages, with limited content. However, we aim to grow into a "mountain" full of worthwhile discoveries with each visit. I sincerely wish that your time here, spent wandering and exploring alongside us, becomes part of your own meaningful detour.



You will find a lineup of gear designed or made in countries with modern design tradition like Sweden and Finland, reflecting the design and quality of bygone eras. With time and use, these items only grow richer, acquiring character through scratches, stains, and wear. They are pieces to cherish, blending both function and sentiment.



This collection embodies outfits that would make any picnic or bushcraft adventure more fun and inspiring. You will find no cutting-edge technology or high-performance modern designs here. Instead, it is all about pre-owned items and vintage pieces. These aren’t just "used clothes" or "fashion"; when worn for time in nature, they transcend categories and offer a whole new angle of enjoyment.